Daunting Data
Jan 08, 2021
Data - reporting - comps - AHH!
It is enough to make your head spin! But we have heard it 1000 times, that in your business - you have to know your numbers. When I started drilling down into reporting I found there were so many numbers that I really wanted to know. Where are my leads coming from? How many of those do we book? How many of those do we loose? what marketing is under performing...and the list went on and on. I decided that yes, while I needed to be able to see this information when I needed it, I wanted to have a simpler way of seeing our sales performance week to week.
Enter 5 data data points!
What you want to track might be different from me. But you have to start with - what do you really want to know?
What I wanted to know week to week was pretty simple - lead volume, key triggers in our process (engaging conversations, activities and meetings) and booked events. This information gives me a great snap shot at my sales performance from the previous week.
Here are my data points; take some time to figure out yours! OR heck - use mine!
# of new inbound leads
# of engaged opportunities
# of tours/meetings/consultations
# of sales activities
# of booked events
Review this information every Monday from the previous week - stay ahead of any problems or issues that might be coming. Basic week to week reporting will allow you to make adjustments before you find yourself in a sales rut.
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